There is probably no connection whatsoever between the Catalan and Greenlandic independence movements.
Both have a language problem in common. reports that six years ago „the Inuit language1 of Greenland's representatives in the Danish parliament“ was banned „by no longer having interpreters available and all documents being written only in Danish“. reports that in October 2024 „there was an incident in which Greenlandic MP Aki-Matilda Høgh-Dam had to leave the podium because she gave her speech exclusively in Greenlandic1 and refused to translate it into Danish“.
In Greenland itself, the majority speaks Kalaallisut, which has also been the official language since 2009. Danish is the most important second language. The question is, what can Spain learn from this situation?
Greenland, which belongs to Denmark, has only 57,000 inhabitants, but huge natural resources and access to the Arctic that is of interest under international law. Trump2 has not ruled out military action to conquer this island for the USA. But does it really have to come to that?
It would be much cheaper than military action to invest money in massive propaganda and thereby win over the Greenland separatists and to join the USA.3 The transatlantic NATO partner Denmark would be cheaply sidelined. Geopolitics is heartless and without any morals.
As Egon Bahr, German Federal Minister under Willy Brandt, said to students in 2013: “International politics is never about democracy or human rights. It is about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what you are told in history class.“
Now, one could argue that it is ridiculous to believe that the US could support the separatists in Catalonia in order to put pressure on Madrid. After all, Spain is a member of NATO and provides the US with two bases in Rota and Morón, which play a central role in the US military strategy in Europe and the Mediterranean. Last year, it would have been ridiculous to claim that the US would not rule out military action against its partner Denmark.
* Spain has no friends, not even its NATO partner, the USA. (Spaniards with a sense of history will remember that in 1898 and 1902 the USA “stole” the Spanish colonies of Cuba and the Philippines. In principle, nothing has changed!)
* Language impositions help separatists maintain tensions. This also applies when it is used against the Spanish-speaking majority. After all, what should they do if they are constantly neglected by Madrid? Tensions are ideal for foreign powers to intervene.
* In 1938, the United States passed the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires anyone who engages in political activity in the United States and is funded from abroad to register. In addition, all of their publications must be labeled as coming from „foreign agents.“ Such a law would be useful in all countries.
In Valencia, the new government will not change much with regard to the language requirement that still prevails, especially in schools. So there is not much more to report on this blog for the time being. Nevertheless, this insane act deserves to be highlighted.
At the end of last year, reported: ERC and Junts prefer less security with the exclusion of security bodies under 112. The independence movement considers that the merger of the police and the Guardia Civil means a „Spanishization“ of the system, although the change approved by the Security Council allows for a faster response to an incident.
In all 27 member states of the European Union, 112 is the emergency number. But if you have an accident in Catalonia, it might be better to suffer or even die because the Spanish police are not supposed to be called.
To avoid any misunderstandings, I am not a friend of the American, Russian, Chinese or any other government. Geopolitics has taught me that. As far as Spain is concerned, I have friends all over Spain, including Catalonia, who are all for democracy and criticize the current residual democratic situation here and throughout Europe.
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