Who is going to pay for that?
Salami tactics and megalomania

November 06, 2022

The Spanish separatists and language dictators have not been making big headlines for a while. However, this does not mean that the problem has been solved. Work continues in small steps to turn Spaniards in the autonomous territories with regional languages against each other through a variety of taunts and measures.

That is why it attracted little attention that the Catalan separatists now wanted to demand equality between Catalan and Spanish in the European Union.

But one thing after the other. Teasing and crazy new language impositions as salami tactics to divide the people in Spain were applied enough after the summer holidays. Divide et impera! English: divide and rule!

Apart from the fact that the Catalan government continues to refuse, against the decisions of the highest courts of Catalonia and Spain, to grant Catalan pupils at least 25% Spanish lessons, here is a small selection of the latest language disputes. Without claiming to be representative:

Salami tactics

* The left attacks sacked music teacher for not knowing Valencian language

* The PP proposes a three-language model to divide those who advocate a free choice of language of instruction: Valencian base, Castilian base and Castilian only in Castilian-speaking areas.

*A Catalan father complains: „The Generalitat has incited people against us because we have asserted a right“.

* Valencia pays 10 times the price for textbooks to support Catalan separatists.

* A student from Catalonia is asked to prove abroad that he can speak Spanish.

* The President of the PP and Minister-President of Galicia Feijóo signs a manifesto saying the opposite of what he did in Galicia (Galicia does not have a significant separatist movement like Catalonia, but is quite competitive with the Catalan separatists in terms of language imposition under Feijóo's guidance).

* The 3,000 refugee children from Ukraine in Torrevieja do not learn in Spanish because of the introduction of Valenciano

* The Catalan president accidentally revealed: „There was an agreement for Catalans, they (the Spanish government) do not question the law (i.e. Catalan refusal to teach at least 25% Spanish in school)“, whereupon Catalans, betrayed by Madrid, are now seeking help in Brussels.

* The Valencian government rescues the office that persecutes Spanish speakers. This Office of Language Rights, a copy that originated in Catalonia, generated a multitude of resources because it considered that it wanted to persecute commerce, companies or people who use Spanish, as the Supreme Court condemned. This office intended to collect complaints against those who did not use Valenciano, which even affected the privacy and right to privacy of individuals,

* In the Valencian community, there are children who do not receive a single Spanish lesson

* Die Generalitat Valenciana verbannt Spanisch in offiziellen Mitteilungen an Familien von Schulkindern


Now the Catalan separatists have demanded that Catalan be put on an equal footing with Spanish as a regional language in the European Union - that is, that it be listed as an official language. Unfortunately, in their boundless egoism, they had overlooked the fact that the Basque nationalists, for example, would only agree to this demand if they were also granted the same right for Basque. But this consent was quickly obtained. However, the PP opposed this project, while the socialists, the PSOE, could only bring themselves to abstain.

„The Junts speaker (Junts = party of Puigdemont) in the Senate, Josep Lluís Cleries, has accused the Socialists of not loving or respecting the Catalan language. 'We want independence and we want the Catalan language to be respected,' he told the Foreign Affairs Committee of the upper house.“ elcatalan.es reported on 3 November.

While the Catalan separatists and their government do everything to fight and harass the Spanish language, Catalan should be respected and loved! In the whole of Europe! What an absurd debate - but, considering that more jobs for Catalan interpreters will then be needed again, paid for by Brussels, there is some sense to be found.

Why should the European Union pay for every regional language to have its language accepted as an official EU language? There are already 24 languages recognised as official languages in the EU. Added to this are the working and contractual languages, a confusion that one can gladly study on Wikipedia. In the German version of this Wikipedia article one also finds the following note: „Due to the loss of the United Kingdom as a net contributor to the EU, the not insignificant administrative cost centre of translations into and from 24 official languages came back into the discussion as an argument for all documents“.

By the way, I don't respect languages any more than I respect a hammer, a piano or any other instrument. I respect people and their right to speak „as their beak grows“. And each person may love his language like children love their teddy bear or I love my music. But that is no reason to force this love on others.

Now the ERC (Republican Left of Catalonia, party of the Catalan president), has called for Spanish to be abolished altogether in Barcelona. Coercion and violence are typical accompaniments of megalomania on the one hand, on the other the news reports: „Every single survey published so far shows that Catalan is being used by fewer and fewer citizens, especially young people, who are fleeing the persistent attempts, and sometimes even thugs, to force them to use Catalan.“
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Myths and deceptions of Catalan nationalism

Peredo Alvaro discovered on his homepage "piratas&emperadores" the myths and impostures of Catalan nationalism.

Here you'll find the translation

The strategy of recatalanization

1980 the Spanish journal "El Periodico" published a secret document about the strategy of the Catalan government. It shows in a frightening way the actual spiritual world of the separatist leaders.

Now it is available in english translation.

the separatist's imperial claim

The Catalan government exports the conflict into communities with Catalan population, supporting all efforts of the separatists including financial means to destroy Spain.
An important tool is the establishment of a language dictatorship that is not afraid to use the same means as Franco.

Separatist indoctrination

In 2017, the teachers' union AMES published a study on school textbooks, as they appeared in Spain and in Catalonia on the same topic. In this study the indoctrination becomes clear, as it describes how Separatists operate. It is now translated into English

Click here to read the study

Language imposition and democracy

An essay in 6 parts on the potentially violent effect of language imposition containing contributions from South Africa, Catalonia, Ukraine and France.

go to part 1 SticSti


The title says: "Catalonia, a conflict is exported. Insights of a migrant"
Sorry, up to now, this book is only available in German. However, drop us a line, if you are interested to learn more Contact.