CDR tear off street signs and want to annex parts of Aragón
Catalonia is not enough!
The Catalan CDR are now extending their violent actions outside Catalonia. What is behind it?

Has the next step of the strategy of recatalanization begun?

Until the victory of Franco many Catalanists believed that they could rule Spain and were therefore strictly against any separatism.

After Franco's victory, many Catalanists liked to come to favour him. Under Franco, for example, they even founded Òmnium Cultural in 1961 to promote Catalan culture and language, an organization that is now a spearhead of the separatists.

After Franco's death it became clear that they would not be able to maintain any supremacy in Spain. In 1980, a strategy paper of the separatists, who then formed the Catalan government, was leaked. It became clear that they wanted more than Catalonia. A large Pan-Catalan empire, essentially Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands and parts of southern France, Sardinia, but also neighbouring Spanish provinces.

Now the Catalan CDR (Comités de Defensa de la República) have begun to demand the annexation of parts of the Spanish province of Aragón and to remove corresponding road signs. [1]

The Catalanists were open racists until the beginning of the 20th century, they considered everything that lived south of the Ebro to be inferior Semites and Moors, while they saw themselves as superior Aryans, born to rule Spain. The ERC, who call themselves Left Republicans of Catalonia, but are in fact National Socialists, particularly stood out. Now they are no longer all open racists, but some still cannot keep their mouths shut. Herribert Barrera, General Secretary of the ERC and first President of the Catalan Parliament after Franco, wrote in 2001 in a book: „Statistically, for example, there is a different genetic distribution between the population of Catalonia and sub-Saharan Africa. It is politically incorrect to say such a thing, but there are many characteristics that are genetically predetermined and probably intelligence is one of them. The intelligence quotient of negroes in the US is lower than that of whites.“[2]

Oriol Junqueras, the current ERC president who is currently on trial, also wrote in 2015: „The Catalans have more genetic proximity to the French than to the Spaniards; more to the Italians than to the Portuguese; and a little to the Portuguese and a little bit to the Swiss. While the Spaniards are closer to the Portuguese than to the Catalans and less to the French.“ [3]

The racist slogans of the current president Quim Torra should be well known.

Prat de la Riba, one of the fathers of Catalan nationalism, said at the beginning of the 20th century: „A free Catalonia could be a unified, centralizing, democratic, absolutist, Catholic, free-thinking, unified, federal, individualist, autonomous, imperialist, without ceasing to be Catalonia“, but within Spain [4].

But Spain had lost the war over Cuba and the Philippines against the U.S., there was no longer a real Spanish empire and industry was concentrated mainly in the Basque Country and Catalonia. Franco needed the remaining industry and vice versa, the owners of the Catalan industry came to an arrangement with Franco. Examples: International fairs were only allowed to take place in Barcelona and Valencia to the detriment of Madrid, the first motorway is in Catalonia, Seat is founded in Barcelona and much more.

With the end of the Franco period, however, important companies were also settled in Madrid and the economic image of Spain changed, not least because of the increasing tourism.

The Catalanists turned into separatists and developed the „strategy of recatalanisation“. Embedded in this strategy was the demand for a Pan-Catalan empire that would initially cover the areas described above. The paper was leaked and published[5] - a worst case scenario for the Catalanists.

Unfortunately, they have achieved a super success with their strategy. A large minority wants independence and because of the electoral system they even form the Catalan government. So it seems to be time to slowly demand the territorial claims and the CDRs are slowly being sent forward as an avantguard.

In Valencia it is not yet so far advanced. Here one worked first of all with money. A lot of money (for example from the Catalan Omnium Cultural to the Valencian Acció Cultural [6]) was invested to catalanize our Comunidad.

When there are elections in spring, we should remember that the parties that currently form the Valencian government have done nothing against this Catalanisation. The PSOE, Compromís and the nationalist bloc have united to disregard the Spanish and Valencian constitutions and have contributed greatly to the discrimination of Spanish speakers. That parents are deprived of the right to decide on the language of their children's education, who are now mainly taught in the Catalan dialect of Valenciano.

[2] proces#ERC-y-el-racismo-progresista-catalanista.
[4] Historias ocultadas del nacionalismo catalán. Javier Barraycoa. 2011. Libros libres. pag. 47